Saturday, April 9, 2011

Practice Makes Progress

I put this together several weeks ago. Ugh. Awful! I gave up before I'd done much more than get started!

It can be so frustrating to turn what's in my mind's eye into a reality. I know what I want to do, and sometimes I achieve it, but there are times when I get the image you see above.

A couple weeks ago I went to a local cemetery in the hopes of capturing the "Super Moon". Missed the moon entirely, but I didn't want a wasted trip so I snapped various other shots. One shot was of a distant house, a little red one in the midst of brown and white houses.

I thought to myself that I could do something with that shot. So I started work. And I worked. And I deleted what I'd started. I started again. And again. It generally doesn't take me long to put an image together. I follow my gut and I'm off and running.

But I just couldn't get this one right.

Finally, it started to come together. I found a good horizon shot. The colors blended and merged. I remembered some other "tools of the trade" I had in my toolbox and put them to use. I blended and layered and tweaked.

And then I sighed with contentment. An image I was happy with. I don't think I've ever taken so long on a single image before. Phew!!

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