Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ebb and Flow

Creativity is an ever-changing tide. Sometimes it ebbs; sometimes it flows. Sometimes it flows in one direction, sometimes another.
I am trying to come to terms with that.
It has been a rough winter in terms of indulging in creative endeavors. If I think about it, that just may be the case with most winters. Especially compared to the summer when I have more time to play rather than work.
I think that I need to be more mindful of this before I berate myself for a week in which I am not cranking out creative projects.

So, what have I done? I'm sticking to my daily iPhone pic on Instagram. Today will be day 75, I think. Better than I have done with a daily project before, so I'll take it! I've been trying to mix up the images a little bit this week, a mix of creepy and cheery, winter and spring. You can, of course, follow my stream here: My Instagram Profile.

I also, typically, processed a picture...this morning. Hey, at least I was able to do one, right? Ha ha! I'll take it!

Anywhere is Possible
Another creative endeavor that I've found myself returning to is writing. I'm teaching my yearly creative writing class, and the wealth of amazing young writers is astounding. And inspiring. I think it's time for me to return to my three-years-and-running novel. I'm also starting a collaboration with a friend of mine on a parenting book about raising introverts/extroverts. Plus, I want to reinvest some time in shopping for a publisher for a children's book I worked on with a talented artist friend.
But first, I'm going to focus on painting. My bedroom. Ha ha! Have a great one, all!

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